HUDCO Projects:
Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), New Delhi accepted three proposals of LBC for the following three pilot projects for Rejuvenation and Strengthening of National Network of Building Centres under HUDCO-CSR.
(a)Market absorption of women as skilled construction workers.
(b)Understanding the recycled building materials market and improving accessibility of these for low-income families.
(c)Heritage conservation, Retrofitting and Maintenance. BMTPC is the nodal agency for undertaking the pilot projects with funding from HUDCO under their CSR fund.
These projects are being coordinated by Ar. P.B. Sajan.
Research project on Panchayat Raj
Research project on Panchayat Raj funded by Centre for Development Studies (CDS),Thiruvananthapuram: An Expert Study on “Decentralizing Development and Governance: Lesson from Well Functioning Panchayat Raj Institution in Kerala” funded by CDS has been undertaken and the project will be co-ordinated by Professor K.P. Kannan.
National Institute of Rural Development funded project: Access to Housing for the Rural Poor 2014
The National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad has accepted and sanctioned the LBC’s proposal on “Access to Housing for the Rural Poor”. The project is intended as a collaborative research of the Laurie Baker Centre for Habitat Studies (LBC), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala with the SR Sankaran Chair in Rural Labour Studies, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad. Professor K.P. Kannan is the co-ordinator of the project. The project is in progress.
Kudumbashree Project
The Kudumbashree Mission, Government of Kerala, has empanelled LBC for articulating the course material and facilitating the skill up-gradation programme for workers and professionals in the construction industry across Kerala. The LBC positively responded to the task of preparing the course content (syllabus) for the training programmes in the construction sector to improve the employability of women professionals and workers in Kerala. The syllabus was finalized in the meeting (attended by experts in this field) held on July 8, 2013 before submitting to Kudumbashree Mission. Also, the LBC was entrusted the evaluation of training programmes that are taking place at three different centres. The evaluation of training at Kochi centre was done and the report was submitted to the Kudumbashree Mission.